Monday, April 15, 2019

Spring 2019: Week 2 Introduction to Doo Wop

Welcome to Stevo's Spring 2019 Intermediate Ukulele Class - Week 2

This week I would like to review (for some) and introduce (for others) the basics of Musical Notation. And to do that, I found the following online lessons:

Introduction to Doo Wop 
  • According to Wikipedia, Doo-wop is a genre of rhythm and blues music developed in the 1940s by African American youth, mainly in the large cities of the upper east coast including New York. It features vocal group harmony that carries an engaging melodic line to a simple beat with little or no instrumentation. Lyrics are simple, usually about love, ornamented with nonsense syllables, and often featuring, in the bridge, a melodramatically heartfelt recitative addressed to the beloved. Gaining popularity in the 1950s, doo-wop enjoyed its peak successes in the early 1960s, but continued to influence performers in other genres.
YouTube Video Tutorials:

Here is a list of links to Ukulele Resources and articles that go into depth about the topics we discussed in week 1 of class:
Online Resources for sheet music:

Local Song Circles, Associations and Clubs:

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