Please note. This page will be continuously updated. It contains reference to online documents and video tutorials that may be helpful if you are looking to learn more. This will also be used as "notes to self", references that I may use in future weeks.
Reference Site:
Here is a list of links to Ukulele Resources and articles that go into depth about the topics we discussed in week 1 of class:
- Chord Chart
- Circle of Fifths
- Picking Patterns for Ukulele
- Excerpt from The Chord Melody Book by Guido Heistek
- Fingerpicking from
- Fingerpicking for Ukulele - An Introduction
- Video: How Playing an Instrument Benefits your Brain
- Sheet Music for Instrumental Ukulele
- Classical and other instrumental arrangements for the Ukulele. This is marvelous sight with competent transcriptions (PDFs of Sheet Music) with accompanying YouTube Videos of performances.
- Uke Nut: Fingerstyle Ukulele Resources
- Excellent list of other resources!!!
- Chief Noda's Ukulele Page
- PDF Minstrel gCEA Ukulele Sheet Music
- Ukulele Hunt: Classical Ukulele Tabs
- UkeFever - Ukulele Tabs
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