Monday, January 14, 2019

Stevo's Intermediate Ukulele Class - Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of Stevo's Intermediate Ukulele Class

  • 12 Bar Blues for the Ukulele in the Key of 'A' (the first 9 pages)
      • Spicing Up the 12 bar Blues
      • This webpage it a great introduction to playing the blues on Ukulele, and spicing up the chords by adding the 6th and b7th  of each of the 3 chords. There is an excellent video, and the chord diagrams and charts do a great job of explaining. The video uses Hound Dog in the key of A, but the there are also diagrams and charts for the key of C. Use your circle of fifth to transpose the blues to any key. This may be challenging for many students in the class, but keep coming back to this tutorial and soon it will become more natural.
    • Blues for the Ukulele - Fred Sokolow (YouTube Video)
      • Please note:  I love this guy, great tutorial, living history, though a little advanced
    • How to Play the 12-Bar Blues (YouTube Video)
      • There are many Blues for the Ukulele tutorials. Here is an example.
    • Extra Credit: Blues Ukulele Workshop
      • Advance Blues Materials: If you haven't gotten enough of the Blues from the above 3 links, or if you have been playing the blues for years, perhaps on the guitar, this is an excellent source of songs, intros, turnarounds and ending.

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