Stevo's Intermediate Ukulele Class:
Week 3, The Blues, Part II
Major Scales consist of the following degrees: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do, or in the key of A Major, A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G# A
The A Blues scale consist of the following degree: 1, b3, 4, #4, 5, b7 or A, C, D, D#, E, G
The difference between the "A Blues Scale" and the "A minor Pentatonic" is one note (there is no #4).
So the A Minor Pentatonic is: 1, b3, 4, 5, b7 or A, C, D, E, G (5 notes therefore PENTA-Tonic)
The following Video is demonstrating playing over the blues using the A Minor Pentatonic.This video will help with what is described on Page 7 of the 12 Bar Blues handout.
- Learning the Blues Scale:
- Ukulele Blues In A - Am Pentatonic Solo Lesson Tutorial
- Ukulele Blues Soloing Tutorial - All About The Blues Scale
- Try watching the entire video before playing along with it. If you get confused by the beginning, skip ahead to 4:03. Work through some of his example licks like the one starting at 4:33. (Note, he is ignoring the the 4th string, the g String.)
- The moveable Blues Scale
- Blues Turnarounds
- Blues Turnarounds for the Uke, KEY OF "A"
- Blues Turnaround Ukulele Lesson (Easy Uke Tutorial)
- EZ Ukulele Fingerpicking Blues Lesson on "Turnarounds" in the key of A
- Blues Turnaround Ukulele Tutorial Buddy Holly (TAB)
- Ukulele Blues Turnaround in A
- Blues Fingerpicking Patterns
- Ukulele Lesson: Fingerpicking Blues Pattern #1 (
- Ukulele Lesson: Fingerpicking Blues Pattern #2
- Uke Minutes 144 - How to Create Finger Picking Patterns
- Extra Credit: (Advanced Tutorials)
- C blues on ukulele with simple riff- Tutorial
- Fred Sokolow Ukulele Tutorials
- Fred Sokolow's Bio on
- Bluegrass Ukulele Interview with Fred Sokolow (Very fast paste interview/introduction
- Fred talks about Transposing Chord Progressions and Using the Circle of Fifths
- How To Solo On The Ukulele taught by Fred Sokolow
- Carl Bludts (daddystovepipe) Ukulele Tutorials (52)
- Who On Earth is Carl Bludts? on the
- EZ Ukulele Fingerpicking Blues Lesson - Free TAB
- Learn the Pentatonic Scale in all 5 positions
- The Pentatonic Scale, A 5 note scale, is the Blues scale less the (b5)
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